por todas estas buenas noticias, al regreso de Nico desde Los Angeles estaremos celebrando con funciones especiales de "SUPERPLUGGED", el espectáculo que continúa sorprendiendo, y premia el talento de Nico Arnicho en el exterior.
EL DUELO ------------------uRUGUAYO
La obra más emotiva de Zitarrosa, dedicada a su amigo Carlos "Becho" Eizmendi, primer violín de la orquesta Sinfónica del SODRE (Uruguay)
Segunda versión de la canción, transformada con la intervención de Becho:
Becho toca el violín en la orquesta
cara de chiquilín sin maestra
y la orquesta no sirve, no suena
sin violines cansados que duelan.
Porque a Becho le duelen violines
que son como su amor, chiquilines;
Becho quiere un violín que sea hombre
que al dolor y al amor no los nombre.
Pero el violín de Becho es un grito
hay violines que suenan distinto;
Becho quiere un violín que sea nadie,
cuatro cuerdas sonando al aire.
Becho tiene un violín que no ama,
pero siente que el violín lo llama;
por las noches como arrepentido
vuelve a amar ese triste sonido.
Vida y muerte, violín, padre y madre;
canta el violín y Becho es el aire;
ya no puede tocar en la orquesta
porque amar y cantar eso cuesta.
Me gusta: 794 No me gusta: 9
Artista: Alfredo Zitarrosa
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Pensar que cuando Zitarrosa comenzo a cantar, siendo muy jovencito y muy flaquito, alguien? le dijo que tenia "voz de otro cuerpo", porque ese chorro de voz maravillosa parecia que no podia salir alguien tan delgadito como él. Uno de los mejores cantantes sin duda que tiene Uruguay y hablo asi, en presente, porque siempre estara entre nosotros.
nor27ma hace 10 meses 21
Soy de BsAs pero mis? viejos eran uruguayos. Mi viejo de Montevideo y mi vieja de Joaquín Suárez. Ellos eran dos maquinas de laburar, pero los sábados por la tarde los dedicaban a escuchar música entre mate y mate, casi toda uruguaya. Entre esos discos tenían 5 o 6 de Zitarroza el "preferido" de mi vieja, muchas veces se me cae una lagrima al recordar a mis viejos cuando escucho este tema. De mis compatriotas quien mejor lo interpreta es Alejandro Aldonza y tambien me gusta por Lidia Borda
Allende1970 hace 4 meses 17
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LA FAMILIA SAVAGES, en Cinema La Isla de Casa Blanca
Kick start your New Year’s resolution in Uruguay or Brazil: these two countries in South America offer great places to celebrate the end of the old year and the beginning of the new one. Pack your sun cream and bikinis, and enjoy South America’s rich tapestry of culture, nature, welcoming people and mouthwatering cuisine. We’ve selected some of the most special and extraordinary places you should visit in Uruguay and Brazil: take a look at these 20 tips and get inspiration for your getaway.
Uruguay is often overlooked by tourists travelling to South America because it is a small country, but it has plenty of attractions on offer to guarantee a vibrant holiday. The relaxed pace of life, fascinating nature with beautiful coastlines that are great for surfers and the stable economy makes it one of South America’s premier destinations that’s definitely worth highlighting.
This holiday destination is also perfect for those who love sunny weather: as the country is located in the Southern hemisphere, the seasons are opposite those in the Northern Hemisphere. This means that you can actually spend Christmas in summer, getting a tan on the beach while sipping a cocktail… Sounds good as an alternative to a white, chilly or rainy Christmas, no?
1. Begin at the beginning: Montevideo
There’s no way to visit Uruguay without starting with the capital. The country’s commercial, cultural and political hub is a bustling cosmopolitan city with something for everyone. Art, culture, shops and great food: Montevideo has many sides and plenty of things for you to discover, with no tourist crowds. If you spend some time in Montevideo around the end of January then you’ll be so lucky to experience the Montevideo Carnival, a famous attraction during which Uruguay feasts at its best.
2. Sun, sand and sea: Piriápolis
Ask many Uruguayans about their favourite beach and they’ll mention Piriápolis. Though it’s not a well-known tourist attraction, this small town boasts some of the most gorgeous beaches in the country, where locals like to spend their weekends. Tucked away in a peaceful cove, this place that reminds a bit of Nice’s coast is great for relaxing, sunbathing and swimming. To complete the idyll you might want to book one of these Uruguay Luxury Villas: offering all the comfort and luxury of your own home, these rentals will make your stay even better.
3. Sunny surfing: La Paloma
If you like water sports then you should definitely visit La Paloma: this coastal resort is rapidly growing and attracts more and more lovers of water sports, and in particular surfers, every year. You would like to try it but you don’t have much experience in surfing? Don’t worry, there are many surfing courses on offer in the area so you can learn all the tricks on-site. You like to spend time at the seaside but water sports are not exactly your cup of tea? Then you’ll still love this place: the transparent waters are also great for swimming and fishing, while the golden beach is a very inviting setting for some romance or a cosy family picnic.
KEEP READING: Splendour in South America: 2×10 top attractions in Uruguay & Brazil: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next>
Read more: Splendour in South America: 2×10 top attractions in Uruguay & Brazil | Paradizo.com http://blog.paradizo.com/luxury-vacation/splendour-in-south-america-2x10-top-attractions-in-uruguay-brazil/#ixzz1lBI2LGks
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